AkSimdAvx2.h 11 KB

  1. /*******************************************************************************
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  18. Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
  19. *******************************************************************************/
  20. // AkSimdAvx2.h
  21. /// \file
  22. /// AKSIMD - AVX2 implementation
  23. #ifndef _AK_SIMD_AVX2_H_
  24. #define _AK_SIMD_AVX2_H_
  25. #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkTypes.h>
  26. #include <AK/SoundEngine/Platforms/SSE/AkSimd.h>
  27. #if !defined(__AVX2__)
  28. #error "Inclusion of AkSimdAvx2.h requires AVX2 instruction sets to be defined on platform"
  29. #endif
  30. #include <AK/SoundEngine/Platforms/SSE/AkSimdAvx.h>
  31. #include <string.h>
  32. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  33. /// @name AKSIMD arithmetic
  34. //@{
  35. /// Cross-platform SIMD multiplication of 8 complex data elements with interleaved real and imaginary parts,
  36. /// and taking advantage of fused-multiply-add instructions
  37. static AkForceInline AKSIMD_V8F32 AKSIMD_COMPLEXMUL_AVX2(const AKSIMD_V8F32 cIn1, const AKSIMD_V8F32 cIn2)
  38. {
  39. __m256 real1Ext = _mm256_moveldup_ps(cIn1); // reals extended (a3, a3, a2, a2, a1, a1, a0, a0)
  40. __m256 in2Shuf = _mm256_shuffle_ps(cIn2, cIn2, 0xB1); // shuf multiplicand (c3, d3, c2, d2, c1, d1, c0, d0)
  41. __m256 imag1Ext = _mm256_movehdup_ps(cIn1); // multiplier imag (b3, b3, b2, b2, b1, b1, b0, b0)
  42. __m256 temp = _mm256_mul_ps(imag1Ext, in2Shuf); // temp (b3c3, b3d3, b2c2, b2d2, b1c1, b1d1, b0c0, b0d0)
  43. __m256 out = _mm256_fmaddsub_ps(real1Ext, cIn2, temp); // final (a3d3+b3c3, a3c3-b3d3, a2d2+b2c2, a2c2-b2d2, a1d1+b1c1, a1c1-b1d1, a0d0+b0c0, a0c0-b0d0)
  44. return out;
  45. }
  46. /// Vector multiply-add-sub operation.
  47. #define AKSIMD_MADDSUB_V8F32( __a__, __b__, __c__ ) _mm256_fmaddsub_ps( (__a__), (__b__), (__c__) )
  48. #define AKSIMD_MSUBADD_V8F32( __a__, __b__, __c__ ) _mm256_fmsubadd_ps( (__a__), (__b__), (__c__) )
  49. /// Vector multiply-add operation.
  50. #define AKSIMD_MADD_V8F32( __a__, __b__, __c__ ) _mm256_fmadd_ps( (__a__), (__b__) , (__c__) )
  51. #define AKSIMD_MSUB_V8F32( __a__, __b__, __c__ ) _mm256_fmsub_ps( (__a__), (__b__) , (__c__) )
  52. //@}
  53. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  54. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  55. /// @name AKSIMD shuffling
  56. //@{
  57. /// For each 8b value in a, move it to the designated location in each 128b lane specified by the
  58. /// corresponding control byte in b (or, if the control byte is >=16, set the dest to zero) (see _mm_shuffle_epi8)
  59. #define AKSIMD_SHUFFLEB_V8I32(a, b) _mm256_shuffle_epi8(a, b)
  60. /// For each 16b integer, select one of the values from a and b using the provided control mask - if the
  61. /// nth bit is false, the nth value from a will be selected; if true, the value from b will be selected.
  62. /// (the mask applies to each 128b lane identically)
  63. #define AKSIMD_BLEND_V16I16(a, b, i) _mm256_blend_epi16(a, b, i)
  64. #define AKSIMD_INSERT_V2I128( a, m128, idx) _mm256_inserti128_si256(a, m128, idx)
  65. /// For each 128b lane, select one of the four input 128b lanes across a and b,
  66. /// based on the mask i. AKSIMD_SHUFFLE can still be directly used as a control
  67. #define AKSIMD_PERMUTE_2X128_V8I32( a, b, i ) _mm256_permute2x128_si256(a, b, i)
  68. /// Selects the lower of each of the 128b lanes in a and b to be the result ( B A ), ( D C ) -> ( C A )
  69. #define AKSIMD_DEINTERLEAVELANES_LO_V8I32( a, b ) AKSIMD_PERMUTE_2X128_V8I32(a, b, AKSIMD_PERMUTE128(2, 0))
  70. /// Selects the higher of each of the 128b lanes in a and b to be the result ( B A ), ( D C) -> ( D B )
  71. #define AKSIMD_DEINTERLEAVELANES_HI_V8I32( a, b ) AKSIMD_PERMUTE_2X128_V8I32(a, b, AKSIMD_PERMUTE128(3, 1))
  72. /// Shuffle 64b elements across the 128b lanes of a, based on the mask i.
  73. /// AKSIMD_SHUFFLE can still be directly used as a control
  74. #define AKSIMD_PERMUTE_4X64_V8F32( a, i ) _mm256_castpd_ps(_mm256_permute4x64_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(a), i))
  75. //@}
  76. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  77. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  78. /// @name AKSIMD conversion
  79. //@{
  80. /// Converts the eight signed 16b integer values of a to signed 32-bit integer values
  81. #define AKSIMD_CONVERT_V8I16_TO_V8I32( __vec__ ) _mm256_cvtepi16_epi32( (__vec__) )
  82. //@}
  83. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  84. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  85. /// @name AKSIMD integer arithmetic
  86. //@{
  87. /// Adds the eight integer values of a and b
  88. #define AKSIMD_ADD_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_add_epi32( a, b )
  89. #define AKSIMD_CMPLT_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_cmpgt_epi32( b, a )
  90. #define AKSIMD_CMPGT_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_cmpgt_epi32( a, b )
  91. #define AKSIMD_OR_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_or_si256(a,b)
  92. #define AKSIMD_XOR_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_xor_si256(a,b)
  93. #define AKSIMD_SUB_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_sub_epi32(a,b)
  94. /// Computes the bitwise AND of the 256-bit value in a and the
  95. /// 256-bit value in b (see _mm_and_si128)
  96. #define AKSIMD_AND_V8I32( __a__, __b__ ) _mm256_and_si256( (__a__), (__b__) )
  97. /// Multiplies each 32-bit int value of a by b and returns the lower 32b of the result (no overflow or clamp)
  98. #define AKSIMD_MULLO_V8I32( a , b) _mm256_mullo_epi32(a, b)
  99. /// Multiplies the low 16bits of a by b and stores it in V8I32 (no overflow)
  100. #define AKSIMD_MULLO16_V8I32( a , b) _mm256_mullo_epi16(a, b)
  101. /// Subtracts each 16b integer of a by b
  102. #define AKSIMD_SUB_V16I16( a, b ) _mm256_sub_epi16( a, b )
  103. /// Compares the 16 signed 16-bit integers in a and the 16 signed
  104. /// 16-bit integers in b for greater than (see _mm_cmpgt_epi16)
  105. #define AKSIMD_CMPGT_V16I16( __a__, __b__ ) _mm256_cmpgt_epi16( (__a__), (__b__) )
  106. //@}
  107. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  108. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  109. /// @name AKSIMD packing / unpacking
  110. //@{
  111. /// Interleaves the lower 4 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in each lane of a
  112. /// with the lower 4 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in each lane of b
  113. /// (see _mm_unpacklo_epi16)
  114. #define AKSIMD_UNPACKLO_VECTOR16I16( a, b ) _mm256_unpacklo_epi16( a, b )
  115. /// Interleaves the upper 8 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in each lane of a
  116. /// with the upper 8 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in each lane of b
  117. /// (see _mm_unpackhi_epi16)
  118. #define AKSIMD_UNPACKHI_VECTOR16I16( a, b ) _mm256_unpackhi_epi16( a, b )
  119. /// Packs the 8 signed 32-bit integers from a and b into 16 signed 16-bit
  120. /// integers and saturates (see _mm_packs_epi32)
  121. #define AKSIMD_PACKS_V8I32( a, b ) _mm256_packs_epi32( a, b )
  122. //@}
  123. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  124. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  125. /// @name AKSIMD shifting
  126. //@{
  127. /// Shifts the 8 signed or unsigned 32-bit integers in a left by
  128. /// in_shiftBy bits while shifting in zeros (see _mm_slli_epi32)
  129. #define AKSIMD_SHIFTLEFT_V8I32( __vec__, __shiftBy__ ) \
  130. _mm256_slli_epi32( (__vec__), (__shiftBy__) )
  131. /// Shifts the 8 signed 32-bit integers in a right by in_shiftBy
  132. /// bits while shifting in zeroes (see _mm_srli_epi32)
  133. #define AKSIMD_SHIFTRIGHT_V8I32( __vec__, __shiftBy__ ) \
  134. _mm256_srli_epi32( (__vec__), (__shiftBy__) )
  135. /// Shifts the 8 signed 32-bit integers in a right by in_shiftBy
  136. /// bits while shifting in the sign bit (see _mm_srai_epi32)
  137. #define AKSIMD_SHIFTRIGHTARITH_V8I32( __vec__, __shiftBy__ ) \
  138. _mm256_srai_epi32( (__vec__), (__shiftBy__) )
  139. //@}
  140. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  141. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  142. /// @name AKSIMD gather
  143. //@{
  144. /// To use these, provide a base_ptr, and an expression that calculates an
  145. /// array index for the provided base_ptr. The expression can be a lambda,
  146. /// such as follows:
  147. /// AKSIMD_V8I32 viData = AKSIMD_GATHER_EPI32(src, [uIndex, uStep](int i)
  148. /// { return (uIndex + uStep * i); });
  149. /// This tends to perform better than a native VGATHER on most CPUs
  150. template <typename T, typename Function>
  151. inline AKSIMD_V8I32 AKSIMD_GATHER_EPI32(const T* __restrict base_ptr, Function expr)
  152. {
  153. __m256i vals = _mm256_setzero_si256();
  154. __m128i valsTemp[2] = { _mm_setzero_si128(),_mm_setzero_si128() };
  155. #define _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(_x) \
  156. {\
  157. AkInt32 val;\
  158. ::memcpy(&val, (base_ptr + expr(_x)), sizeof(val)); \
  159. valsTemp[_x/4] = _mm_insert_epi32(valsTemp[_x/4], val, _x%4);\
  160. }
  161. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(0);
  162. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(1);
  163. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(2);
  164. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(3);
  165. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(4);
  166. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(5);
  167. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(6);
  168. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(7);
  169. #undef _GATHER_SIM_FETCH
  170. vals = _mm256_setr_m128i(valsTemp[0], valsTemp[1]);
  171. return vals;
  172. }
  173. template <typename T, typename Function>
  174. inline AKSIMD_V8I32 AKSIMD_GATHER_EPI64(const T* base_ptr, Function expr)
  175. {
  176. __m256i vals = _mm256_setzero_si256();
  177. __m128i valsTemp[2] = { _mm_setzero_si128(),_mm_setzero_si128() };
  178. #define _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(_x) \
  179. {\
  180. AkInt64 val; \
  181. ::memcpy(&val, (base_ptr + expr(_x)), sizeof(val)); \
  182. valsTemp[_x/2] = _mm_insert_epi64(valsTemp[_x/2], val, _x%2);\
  183. }
  184. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(0);
  185. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(1);
  186. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(2);
  187. _GATHER_SIM_FETCH(3);
  188. #undef _GATHER_SIM_FETCH
  189. vals = _mm256_setr_m128i(valsTemp[0], valsTemp[1]);
  190. return vals;
  191. }
  192. template <typename T, typename Function>
  193. inline AKSIMD_V8F32 AKSIMD_GATHER_PS(const T* base_ptr, Function expr)
  194. {
  195. return _mm256_castsi256_ps(AKSIMD_GATHER_EPI32(base_ptr, expr));
  196. }
  197. template <typename T, typename Function>
  198. inline AKSIMD_V4F64 AKSIMD_GATHER_PD(const T* base_ptr, Function expr)
  199. {
  200. return _mm256_castsi256_pd(AKSIMD_GATHER_EPI64(base_ptr, expr));
  201. }
  202. //@}
  203. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  204. #endif //_AK_SIMD_AVX2_H_