123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
- released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
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- Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
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- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- /// \file
- /// Plug-in interface for HashTable
- #pragma once
- #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkHashTableTypes.h>
- #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkHashTableFuncs.h>
- #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkPlugin.h>
- #include <AK/Tools/Common/AkMurMurHash.h>
- namespace AK
- {
- /// Interface for an open-addressed hash table (or key-value array).
- /// Relatively low-cost (O(1)) lookup, add, and removal by key. Typical use is to add values by key,
- /// and then using GetFirstSlotByKey (and GetNextSlotByKey, if keys are not guaranteed to be unique)
- /// to get a Slot into the AkHashTableBase, and then indexing AkHashTableBase::pValues by the provided Slot.
- ///
- /// Note that the AkHashTableBase referred to is not inherently thread-safe, so appropriate protections
- /// will be required if the same hashTable is shared across multiple plug-in instances.
- ///
- /// Some hash functions are provided in AkMurMurHash.h which can be used for key generation.
- /// In particular, this can be very useful for storing data on audio objects, or audio object channels,
- /// over time. Note that if indexing by object-channel is desired, GetObjectChannelHash is recommended
- /// to mitigate key-collisions from multiple channels of data. However, Audio Object IDs themselves are
- /// chaotic enough that they can be used directly.
- class IAkPluginServiceHashTable : public IAkPluginService
- {
- protected:
- virtual ~IAkPluginServiceHashTable() {}
- public:
- // initializes and preallocates storage for specified number of entries
- //
- // returns either:
- // AK_InsufficientMemory if a required allocation could not be made
- // AK_Success if the hash table was initialized successfully
- virtual AKRESULT InitBase(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* io_pHashTable, AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, AkUInt32 in_uInitialReserveCount, AkUInt32
- in_uValueElementSize, AkUInt32 in_uValueElementAlign) = 0;
- // helper function for initialization of the hashtable against a specific value type
- template<typename ValueType>
- AkForceInline AKRESULT Init(AkHashTable<AkUInt64, ValueType>* io_pHashTable, AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, AkUInt32 in_uInitialReserveCount)
- {
- return InitBase(io_pHashTable, in_pAllocator, in_uInitialReserveCount, sizeof(ValueType), alignof(ValueType));
- }
- // frees memory allocated for entries
- virtual void Term(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* io_pHashTable, AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator) = 0;
- // resets the table, clearing all keys and values to zero, but leaving the memory allocated
- virtual void Reset(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* io_pHashTable) = 0;
- // adds the provided key to the hash table
- // note that a key can be added to the table multiple times
- // and returns a pointer to the value made available, or nullptr if a grow occurred but memory could not be provided
- // Note that this can move many entries in the table around, so previous pointers to elements, etc, should be considered invalidated
- virtual void* AddKey(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* io_pHashTable, AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, AkUInt64 in_uKey) = 0;
- // adds this key to the hash table, and inserts the provided value to the newly reserved space,
- // note that a key can be added to the table multiple times
- // returns a pointer to the value made available, or nullptr if a grow occurred but memory could not be provided
- // Note that this can move many entries in the table around, so previous pointers to elements, etc, should be considered invalidated.
- template<typename ValueType>
- AkForceInline ValueType* AddKeyValue(AkHashTable<AkUInt64, ValueType>* io_pHashTable, AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, AkUInt64 in_uKey, ValueType* in_pNewValue)
- {
- if (ValueType* pInsertedValue = (ValueType*)AddKey(io_pHashTable, in_pAllocator, in_uKey))
- {
- AKASSERT(sizeof(ValueType) == io_pHashTable->uValueElementSize);
- AKPLATFORM::AkMemCpy(pInsertedValue, in_pNewValue, sizeof(ValueType));
- return pInsertedValue;
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- // removes the entry at the slot provided
- // Note that this can move many entries in the table around, so previous pointers to elements, etc, should be considered invalidated
- // Returns true when a move of data around the end of the list occurred, e.g. in case iteration over the table needs to be modified
- virtual bool RemoveSlot(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* io_pHashTable, AkInt32 in_iSlot) = 0;
- // finds a slot with the provided key and deletes it from the table
- // Note that this can move many entries in the table around, so previous pointers to elements, etc, should be considered invalidated
- virtual void RemoveKey(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* io_pHashTable, AkUInt64 in_uKey) = 0;
- // returns either:
- // the slot of the first valid entry that in_uKey maps to
- // -1 if there are no valid entries at the table that uKey maps to
- static AkInt32 GetFirstSlotByKey(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* in_pHashTable, AkUInt64 in_uKey) {
- return AK::HashTable::GetFirstSlotForKey(in_pHashTable, in_uKey);
- }
- // returns either:
- // the next slot after iPreviousSlot which contains a valid entry
- // -1 if the next slot after iPreviousSlot doesn't contain a valid entry
- static AkInt32 GetNextSlotByKey(AK::AkHashTableBase<AkUInt64>* in_pHashTable, AkUInt64 in_uKey, AkInt32 in_iPreviousSlot) {
- return AK::HashTable::GetNextSlotForKey(in_pHashTable, in_uKey, in_iPreviousSlot);
- }
- // runs the provided function over every active slot in the hashtable, which is used to determine if the element should be removed
- // Note that this can move many entries in the table around, so previous pointers to elements, etc, should be considered invalidated
- // bool functype(AkUInt32 in_slot)
- template<typename KeyType, typename FuncType>
- void RemoveIf(AkHashTableBase<KeyType>* in_pHashTable, FuncType in_func)
- {
- AkUInt32 uNumReservedEntries = in_pHashTable->uNumReservedEntries;
- bool* pbSlotOccupied = in_pHashTable->pbSlotOccupied;
- AkUInt32 uSlot = 0;
- while (uSlot < uNumReservedEntries)
- {
- if (pbSlotOccupied[uSlot] && in_func(uSlot))
- {
- // if slot is occupied, and the function confirmed removal, remove this slot, but don't advance uSlot
- RemoveSlot(in_pHashTable, (AkInt32)uSlot);
- }
- else
- {
- uSlot++;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- #define AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_HASHTABLE(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceHashTable*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_HashTable))
- /// A common hashtable for mapping audioobjectIds to a combination of audio buffers and objects
- struct AkAudioObjectBuffer
- {
- AkAudioObjectBuffer() : pMetadata(nullptr) {}
- AkAudioBuffer pBuffer;
- AkAudioObject* pMetadata;
- };
- typedef AK::AkHashTable<AkAudioObjectID, AkAudioObjectBuffer> AkAudioObjectBufferMap;
- /// Common hash function for getting a unique hash for a channel on an audio object
- AkForceInline AkUInt64 GetObjectChannelHash(AkUInt64 in_uAudioObjectId, AkUInt32 in_uChannelIdx)
- {
- return AkHashMurMurMix64(((AkUInt64)in_uChannelIdx << AkAudioObject::kObjectKeyNumBits) | (in_uAudioObjectId & AkAudioObject::kObjectKeyMask));
- }
- } // namespace AK