123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575 |
- #include "AkMixerPlatform.h"
- #include "AkAudioEvent.h"
- #include "AkAudioModule.h"
- #include "AkSettings.h"
- #include "Wwise/Stats/Global.h"
- #include "AudioDevice.h"
- #include "AudioMixerInputComponent.h"
- #include "AudioMixerTypes.h"
- #include "CoreGlobals.h"
- #include "UObject/UObjectGlobals.h"
- #include "AudioPluginUtilities.h"
- #include "OpusAudioInfo.h"
- #include "VorbisAudioInfo.h"
- #include "ADPCMAudioInfo.h"
- #endif
- #if UE_5_0_OR_LATER
- #include "BinkAudioInfo.h"
- #endif
- FName FAkMixerPlatform::NAME_OGG(TEXT("OGG"));
- FName FAkMixerPlatform::NAME_OPUS(TEXT("OPUS"));
- FName FAkMixerPlatform::NAME_ADPCM(TEXT("ADPCM"));
- FAkMixerPlatform::FAkMixerPlatform() :
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent(nullptr),
- bIsInitialized(false),
- bIsDeviceOpen(false),
- InputEvent(nullptr),
- OutputBuffer(nullptr),
- OutputBufferByteLength(0)
- {
- LoadVorbisLibraries();
- #endif
- }
- FAkMixerPlatform::~FAkMixerPlatform()
- {
- if (bIsInitialized)
- {
- TeardownHardware();
- }
- }
- void FAkMixerPlatform::OnAkAudioModuleInit()
- {
- Audio::FAudioMixerOpenStreamParams CurrentStreamParams = OpenStreamParams;
- CloseAudioStream();
- OpenAudioStream(CurrentStreamParams);
- StartAudioStream();
- }
- void FAkMixerPlatform::WriteSilence(uint32 NumChannels, uint32 NumSamples, float** OutBufferToFill)
- {
- for (uint32 Channel = 0; Channel < NumChannels; Channel++)
- {
- for (uint32 Sample = 0; Sample < NumSamples; Sample++)
- {
- OutBufferToFill[Channel][Sample] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer(uint32 NumChannels, uint32 NumSamples, float** OutBufferToFill)
- {
- static auto bFailureShown = false;
- const auto RequestedOutBufferByteLength = NumChannels * NumSamples * sizeof(float);
- if (UNLIKELY(!bIsDeviceInitialized))
- {
- UE_CLOG(!bFailureShown, LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer failed: Not initialized; State: %s. Skipping buffer. (Showing warning once)"),
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed ? TEXT("Closed") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Open ? TEXT("Open") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Running ? TEXT("Running") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopped ? TEXT("Stopped") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopping ? TEXT("Stopping") : TEXT("Unknown"));
- bFailureShown = true;
- OutputBuffer = nullptr;
- WriteSilence(NumChannels, NumSamples, OutBufferToFill);
- ReadNextBuffer();
- return true;
- }
- if (UNLIKELY(!(AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Open
- || AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Running)))
- {
- UE_CLOG(!bFailureShown, LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer cannot be called with state: %s. Stopping pump."),
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed ? TEXT("Closed") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Open ? TEXT("Open") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Running ? TEXT("Running") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopped ? TEXT("Stopped") :
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopping ? TEXT("Stopping") : TEXT("Unknown"));
- WriteSilence(NumChannels, NumSamples, OutBufferToFill);
- return false;
- }
- bFailureShown = false;
- if (UNLIKELY(NumChannels != AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo.NumChannels))
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Error, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer: Invalid number of channels: %d requested when %d were used on initialization. Failing permanently."), (int)NumChannels, (int)AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo.NumChannels);
- WriteSilence(NumChannels, NumSamples, OutBufferToFill);
- return false;
- }
- if (UNLIKELY(NumSamples != AudioStreamInfo.NumOutputFrames))
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Error, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer: Invalid number of frames per buffer: %d requested when %d were used on initialization. Failing permanently."), (int)NumSamples, (int)AudioStreamInfo.NumOutputFrames);
- UE_LOG(LogWwiseHints, Log, TEXT("Ensure that Wwise \"Samples per frame\" initialization setting matches the Unreal Audio \"Callback Buffer Size\" setting for the current platform."));
- UE_LOG(LogWwiseHints, Log, TEXT("This can also happen when the requested buffer size changes after initialization, for example when Wwise initialization's bRoundFrameSizeToHWSize parameter is activated."));
- WriteSilence(NumChannels, NumSamples, OutBufferToFill);
- return false;
- }
- if (UNLIKELY(OutputBufferByteLength != RequestedOutBufferByteLength))
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Error, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer: Invalid output buffer byte length: %d requested when %d was calculated on initialization. Failing permanently."), (int)RequestedOutBufferByteLength, (int)OutputBufferByteLength);
- WriteSilence(NumChannels, NumSamples, OutBufferToFill);
- return false;
- }
- OutputBuffer = OutBufferToFill;
- ReadNextBuffer();
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::InitializeHardware()
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, VeryVerbose, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::InitializeHardware"));
- if (!FAkAudioDevice::IsInitialized())
- {
- AkAudioModuleInitHandle = FAkAudioModule::OnModuleInitialized.AddRaw(this, &FAkMixerPlatform::OnAkAudioModuleInit);
- }
- if(Audio::IAudioMixer::ShouldRecycleThreads())
- {
- CreateNullDeviceThread([] {}, 1.0f, true);
- }
- #endif
- bIsInitialized = true;
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::TeardownHardware()
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, VeryVerbose, TEXT("FAkMixerPlatform::TeardownHardware"));
- if (!bIsInitialized)
- {
- return true;
- }
- StopAudioStream();
- CloseAudioStream();
- if (AkAudioMixerInputComponent)
- {
- delete AkAudioMixerInputComponent;
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent = nullptr;
- }
- AkAudioModuleInitHandle.Reset();
- bIsInitialized = false;
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::IsInitialized() const
- {
- return bIsInitialized;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::GetNumOutputDevices(uint32& OutNumOutputDevices)
- {
- OutNumOutputDevices = 1;
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::GetOutputDeviceInfo(const uint32 InDeviceIndex, Audio::FAudioPlatformDeviceInfo& OutInfo)
- {
- AkAudioFormat AudioFormat;
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent->GetChannelConfig(AudioFormat);
- OutInfo.Format = Audio::EAudioMixerStreamDataFormat::Float;
- OutInfo.Name = GetDefaultDeviceName();
- OutInfo.DeviceId = TEXT("WwiseDevice");
- OutInfo.NumChannels = AudioFormat.GetNumChannels();
- OutInfo.SampleRate = AudioFormat.uSampleRate;
- OutInfo.OutputChannelArray.SetNum(OutInfo.NumChannels);
- for (int32 ChannelNum = 0; ChannelNum < OutInfo.NumChannels; ++ChannelNum)
- {
- OutInfo.OutputChannelArray.Add(EAudioMixerChannel::Type(ChannelNum));
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::GetDefaultOutputDeviceIndex(uint32& OutDefaultDeviceIndex) const
- {
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::OpenAudioStream(const Audio::FAudioMixerOpenStreamParams& Params)
- {
- if (!bIsInitialized || AudioStreamInfo.StreamState != Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed)
- {
- return false;
- }
- OpenStreamParams = Params;
- AudioStreamInfo.Reset();
- AudioStreamInfo.OutputDeviceIndex = OpenStreamParams.OutputDeviceIndex;
- AudioStreamInfo.NumOutputFrames = OpenStreamParams.NumFrames;
- AudioStreamInfo.NumBuffers = OpenStreamParams.NumBuffers;
- AudioStreamInfo.AudioMixer = OpenStreamParams.AudioMixer;
- if (!GetOutputDeviceInfo(AudioStreamInfo.OutputDeviceIndex, AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo))
- {
- return false;
- }
- OutputBufferByteLength = OpenStreamParams.NumFrames * AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo.NumChannels * GetAudioStreamChannelSize();
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("Opening Audio stream for device: %s"), *GetDeviceId())
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState = Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Open;
- if (FAkAudioDevice::IsInitialized())
- {
- bool bOpenStreamError = false;
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent = new FAudioMixerInputComponent();
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent->OnNextBuffer = FAkGlobalAudioInputDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FAkMixerPlatform::OnNextBuffer);
- UAkSettings* AkSettings = GetMutableDefault<UAkSettings>();
- if (AkSettings != nullptr)
- {
- AkSettings->GetAudioInputEvent(InputEvent);
- }
- if (!InputEvent)
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Error, TEXT("Unable to open audio stream. Ak Audio Event is not set."));
- bOpenStreamError = true;
- }
- else
- {
- InputEvent->AddToRoot();
- AkPlayingID PlayingID = AkAudioMixerInputComponent->PostAssociatedAudioInputEvent(InputEvent);
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Error, TEXT("Unable to open audio stream. Could not post Ak Audio Event."));
- bOpenStreamError = true;
- }
- }
- if (!bOpenStreamError)
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("Opened Audio stream for device: %s"), *GetDeviceId())
- bIsDeviceOpen = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("Audio stream deferred for device %s, AkAudioDevice is not yet initialized"), *GetDeviceId())
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::CloseAudioStream()
- {
- if (AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed)
- {
- return false;
- }
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("Closing Audio stream for device: %s"), *GetDeviceId())
- if (!StopAudioStream())
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (bIsUsingNullDevice)
- {
- StopRunningNullDevice();
- }
- {
- FScopeLock ScopedLock(&OutputBufferMutex);
- OutputBuffer = nullptr;
- OutputBufferByteLength = 0;
- }
- if (FAkAudioDevice::IsInitialized())
- {
- if (AkAudioMixerInputComponent)
- {
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent->PostUnregisterGameObject();
- delete AkAudioMixerInputComponent;
- AkAudioMixerInputComponent = nullptr;
- }
- if (InputEvent)
- {
- InputEvent->RemoveFromRoot();
- InputEvent = nullptr;
- }
- }
- bIsDeviceOpen = false;
- AudioStreamInfo.StreamState = Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed;
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::StartAudioStream()
- {
- if (!bIsInitialized || (AudioStreamInfo.StreamState != Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Open
- && AudioStreamInfo.StreamState != Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopped))
- {
- return false;
- }
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("Starting Audio stream for device: %s"), *GetDeviceId())
- BeginGeneratingAudio();
- if (!bIsDeviceOpen)
- {
- check(!bIsUsingNullDevice);
- StartRunningNullDevice();
- }
- check(AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Running);
- return true;
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::StopAudioStream()
- {
- if (AudioStreamInfo.StreamState != Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopped
- && AudioStreamInfo.StreamState != Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed)
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAkAudioMixer, Verbose, TEXT("Stopping Audio stream for device: %s"), *GetDeviceId())
- if (AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Running)
- {
- StopGeneratingAudio();
- }
- check(AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == Audio::EAudioOutputStreamState::Stopped);
- }
- return true;
- }
- Audio::FAudioPlatformDeviceInfo FAkMixerPlatform::GetPlatformDeviceInfo() const
- {
- return AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo;
- }
- void FAkMixerPlatform::SubmitBuffer(const uint8* Buffer)
- {
- FScopeLock ScopedLock(&OutputBufferMutex);
- if (OutputBuffer)
- {
- for (int32 Channel = 0; Channel < AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo.NumChannels; Channel++)
- {
- for (int32 Frame = 0; Frame < AudioStreamInfo.NumOutputFrames; Frame++)
- {
- FMemory::Memcpy(&OutputBuffer[Channel][Frame],
- &Buffer[sizeof(float) * ((AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo.NumChannels * Frame) + Channel)],
- sizeof(float));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #if UE_5_0_OR_LATER
- FName FAkMixerPlatform::GetRuntimeFormat(const USoundWave* InSoundWave) const
- {
- const FName RuntimeFormat = Audio::ToName(InSoundWave->GetSoundAssetCompressionType());
- if (RuntimeFormat == Audio::NAME_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC)
- {
- #if defined(PLATFORM_PS5) && PLATFORM_PS5
- if (InSoundWave->IsStreaming() && InSoundWave->IsSeekable())
- {
- return Audio::NAME_ADPCM;
- }
- checkf(false, TEXT("Please set your Unreal audio sources to Streaming and Seekable in order to play them through Wwise on the PS5"));
- return NAME_ADPCM;
- #else
- if (InSoundWave->IsStreaming())
- {
- if (InSoundWave->IsSeekable())
- {
- return Audio::NAME_ADPCM;
- }
- return Audio::NAME_OPUS;
- }
- return Audio::NAME_OGG;
- #endif
- }
- return RuntimeFormat;
- }
- ICompressedAudioInfo* FAkMixerPlatform::CreateCompressedAudioInfo(const FName& InRuntimeFormat) const
- {
- ICompressedAudioInfo* Decoder = nullptr;
- if (InRuntimeFormat == Audio::NAME_OGG)
- {
- Decoder = new FVorbisAudioInfo();
- }
- else if (InRuntimeFormat == Audio::NAME_OPUS)
- {
- Decoder = new FOpusAudioInfo();
- }
- else if (InRuntimeFormat == Audio::NAME_BINKA)
- {
- Decoder = new FBinkAudioInfo();
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- Decoder = Audio::CreateSoundAssetDecoder(InRuntimeFormat);
- }
- ensureMsgf(Decoder != nullptr, TEXT("Failed to create a sound asset decoder for compression type: %s"), *InRuntimeFormat.ToString());
- return Decoder;
- }
- #else
- FName FAkMixerPlatform::GetRuntimeFormat(USoundWave* InSoundWave)
- {
- check(InSoundWave);
- #if defined(PLATFORM_PS5) && PLATFORM_PS5
- static FName NAME_ADPCM(TEXT("ADPCM"));
- if (InSoundWave->IsStreaming() && InSoundWave->IsSeekableStreaming())
- {
- return NAME_ADPCM;
- }
- checkf(false, TEXT("Please set your Unreal audio sources to Streaming and Seekable in order to play them through Wwise on the PS5"));
- return NAME_ADPCM;
- #else
- if (InSoundWave->IsStreaming(nullptr))
- {
- if (InSoundWave->IsSeekableStreaming())
- {
- return NAME_ADPCM;
- }
- return NAME_OPUS;
- }
- return NAME_OGG;
- #endif
- #else
- checkNoEntry();
- return FName();
- #endif
- }
- bool FAkMixerPlatform::HasCompressedAudioInfoClass(USoundWave* InSoundWave)
- {
- return true;
- }
- ICompressedAudioInfo* FAkMixerPlatform::CreateCompressedAudioInfo(USoundWave* InSoundWave)
- {
- check(InSoundWave);
- #if defined(PLATFORM_PS5) && PLATFORM_PS5
- if (InSoundWave->IsStreaming() && InSoundWave->IsSeekableStreaming())
- {
- return new FADPCMAudioInfo();
- }
- checkf(false, TEXT("Please set your Unreal audio sources to Streaming and Seekable in order to play them through Wwise on the PS5"));
- return new FADPCMAudioInfo();
- #else
- if (InSoundWave->IsStreaming())
- {
- if (InSoundWave->IsSeekableStreaming())
- {
- return new FADPCMAudioInfo();
- }
- return new FOpusAudioInfo();
- }
- if (InSoundWave->HasCompressedData(NAME_OGG))
- {
- return new FVorbisAudioInfo();
- }
- return new FADPCMAudioInfo();
- #endif
- #else
- checkNoEntry();
- return nullptr;
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- FString FAkMixerPlatform::GetDefaultDeviceName() {
- static FString DefaultName(TEXT("Wwise Audio Mixer Device."));
- return DefaultName;
- }
- FString FAkMixerPlatform::GetDeviceId() const
- {
- return AudioStreamInfo.DeviceInfo.DeviceId;
- }
- FAudioPlatformSettings FAkMixerPlatform::GetPlatformSettings() const
- {
- return FAudioPlatformSettings::GetPlatformSettings(FPlatformProperties::GetRuntimeSettingsClassName());
- }