123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise
- Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package.
- The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the
- AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology.
- Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User
- License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal
- License Usage
- Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use
- this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the
- software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained
- in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AkAudioBankGenerationHelpers.cpp: Wwise Helpers to generate banks from the editor and when cooking.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "AkAudioBankGenerationHelpers.h"
- #include "AkAudioDevice.h"
- #include "AkSettings.h"
- #include "AkSettingsPerUser.h"
- #include "AkUnrealHelper.h"
- #include "IAudiokineticTools.h"
- #include "AssetManagement/AkAssetDatabase.h"
- #include "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/ObjectTools.h"
- #if UE_5_0_OR_LATER
- #include "HAL/PlatformFileManager.h"
- #else
- #include "HAL/PlatformFilemanager.h"
- #endif
- #include "MainFrame/Public/Interfaces/IMainFrameModule.h"
- #include "Misc/Paths.h"
- #include "Misc/ScopedSlowTask.h"
- #include "Slate/Public/Framework/Application/SlateApplication.h"
- #include "SlateCore/Public/Widgets/SWindow.h"
- #include "AssetManagement/WwiseProjectInfo.h"
- #include "UI/SGenerateSoundBanks.h"
- #define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "AkAudio"
- namespace AkAudioBankGenerationHelper
- {
- FString GetWwiseConsoleApplicationPath()
- {
- const UAkSettingsPerUser* AkSettingsPerUser = GetDefault<UAkSettingsPerUser>();
- FString ApplicationToRun;
- ApplicationToRun.Empty();
- if (AkSettingsPerUser)
- {
- ApplicationToRun = AkSettingsPerUser->WwiseWindowsInstallationPath.Path;
- #else
- ApplicationToRun = AkSettingsPerUser->WwiseMacInstallationPath.FilePath;
- #endif
- if (FPaths::IsRelative(ApplicationToRun))
- {
- ApplicationToRun = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(AkUnrealHelper::GetProjectDirectory(), ApplicationToRun);
- }
- if (!(ApplicationToRun.EndsWith(TEXT("/")) || ApplicationToRun.EndsWith(TEXT("\\"))))
- {
- ApplicationToRun += TEXT("/");
- }
- if (FPaths::FileExists(ApplicationToRun + TEXT("Authoring/x64/Release/bin/WwiseConsole.exe")))
- {
- ApplicationToRun += TEXT("Authoring/x64/Release/bin/WwiseConsole.exe");
- }
- else
- {
- ApplicationToRun += TEXT("Authoring/Win32/Release/bin/WwiseConsole.exe");
- }
- ApplicationToRun.ReplaceInline(TEXT("/"), TEXT("\\"));
- ApplicationToRun += TEXT("Contents/Tools/WwiseConsole.sh");
- ApplicationToRun = TEXT("\"") + ApplicationToRun + TEXT("\"");
- #endif
- }
- return ApplicationToRun;
- }
- void CreateGenerateSoundDataWindow(bool ProjectSave)
- {
- if (!FApp::CanEverRender())
- {
- return;
- }
- if (AkAssetDatabase::Get().CheckIfLoadingAssets())
- {
- return;
- }
- TSharedRef<SWindow> WidgetWindow = SNew(SWindow)
- .Title(LOCTEXT("AkAudioGenerateSoundData", "Generate SoundBanks"))
- .ClientSize(FVector2D(600.f, 332.f))
- .SupportsMaximize(false).SupportsMinimize(false)
- .SizingRule(ESizingRule::FixedSize)
- .FocusWhenFirstShown(true);
- TSharedRef<SGenerateSoundBanks> WindowContent = SNew(SGenerateSoundBanks);
- if (!WindowContent->ShouldDisplayWindow())
- {
- return;
- }
- // Add our SGenerateSoundBanks to the window
- WidgetWindow->SetContent(WindowContent);
- // Set focus to our SGenerateSoundBanks widget, so our keyboard keys work right away
- WidgetWindow->SetWidgetToFocusOnActivate(WindowContent);
- // This creates a windows that blocks the rest of the UI. You can only interact with the "Generate SoundBanks" window.
- // If you choose to use this, comment the rest of the function.
- //GEditor->EditorAddModalWindow(WidgetWindow);
- // This creates a window that still allows you to interact with the rest of the editor. If there is an attempt to delete
- // a UAkAudioBank (from the content browser) while this window is opened, the editor will generate a (cryptic) error message
- TSharedPtr<SWindow> ParentWindow;
- if (FModuleManager::Get().IsModuleLoaded("MainFrame"))
- {
- IMainFrameModule& MainFrame = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<IMainFrameModule>("MainFrame");
- ParentWindow = MainFrame.GetParentWindow();
- }
- if (ParentWindow.IsValid())
- {
- // Parent the window to the main frame
- FSlateApplication::Get().AddModalWindow(WidgetWindow, ParentWindow.ToSharedRef());
- }
- else
- {
- // Spawn new window
- FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindow(WidgetWindow);
- }
- }
- }