123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise
- Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package.
- The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the
- AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology.
- Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User
- License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal
- License Usage
- Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use
- this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the
- software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained
- in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- /*=============================================================================
- AkWaapiClient.h: Audiokinetic WAAPI interface object.
- =============================================================================*/
- #pragma once
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AkWaapiClient system headers.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "AkInclude.h"
- #include "HAL/Runnable.h"
- #include "Dom/JsonObject.h"
- #include "HAL/ThreadSafeBool.h"
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dependencies, helpers & forward declarations.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /** Defines WampEventCallback delegate interface */
- DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(WampEventCallback, uint64_t, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>);
- /** Events fired when WAAPI connection is started or lost */
- DECLARE_EVENT(FAkWaapiClient, WwiseProjectLoaded);
- DECLARE_EVENT(FAkWaapiClient, WAAPIConnectionLost);
- DECLARE_EVENT(FAkWaapiClient, BeginDestroyClient);
- #define WAAPI_PORT 8080
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - FAkWaapiClientConnectionHandler
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class FAkWaapiClient;
- struct KeyValueArgs
- {
- const FString KeyArg;
- const FString ValueArg;
- };
- class FAkWaapiClientConnectionHandler : public FRunnable
- {
- public:
- FAkWaapiClientConnectionHandler(FAkWaapiClient& in_Client);
- ~FAkWaapiClientConnectionHandler();
- // FRunnable interface.
- virtual bool Init() override;
- virtual uint32 Run() override;
- virtual void Stop() override;
- virtual void Exit() override;
- void ResetReconnectionDelay();
- void RegisterAutoConnectChangedCallback();
- void Wake();
- private:
- FThreadSafeBool ThreadShouldExit = false;
- FThreadSafeCounter ReconnectDelay = 2;
- FThreadSafeCounter ConnectionMonitorDelay = 7;
- FThreadSafeCounter LogOutputCount = 0;
- int m_iMaxReconnectDelay = 32;
- FEvent* WaitEvent;
- FCriticalSection AkSettingsSection;
- FAkWaapiClient& m_Client;
- bool hadConnection = false;
- bool AttemptReconnect();
- FDelegateHandle AutoConnectChangedHandle;
- };
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AkWaapiClient audio device.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AKAUDIO_API FAkWaapiClient
- {
- public:
- virtual ~FAkWaapiClient();
- /**
- * Initialize the singleton instance of FAkWaapiClient.
- * The singleton instance owns a connection thread which will monitor the WAAPI connection.
- * This function should therefore be called once, in the module startup function, such that WAAPI is ready to be used, if available.
- */
- static void Initialize();
- /**
- * Obtain a pointer to the singleton instance of FAkWaapiClient.
- * Be sure to call FAkWaapiClient::Initialize() first (i.e. during Module startup).
- *
- * @return Pointer to the singleton instance of FAkWaapiClient.
- */
- static FAkWaapiClient* Get();
- /**
- * Delete the singleton instance of FAkWaapiClient.
- */
- static void DeleteInstance();
- /**
- * Obtain a pointer to the delegate associated to the in_subscriptionId
- *
- * @return Pointer to the delegate associated to the in_subscriptionId
- */
- WampEventCallback* GetWampEventCallback(const uint64_t& in_subscriptionId);
- /**
- * Allows clients to subscribe to notifications according to the event.
- *
- * @param in_jsonObject An FJsonObject that we want to convert to string.
- * @param ou_jsonObjectString The result of conversation in string format.
- * @return A boolean to ensure that the conversion was successfully done.
- */
- static bool JsonObjectToString(const TSharedRef<FJsonObject>& in_jsonObject, FString& ou_jsonObjectString);
- bool IsConnected();
- bool AttemptConnection();
- /** Checks whether the current project is dirty */
- static bool IsProjectDirty();
- /**
- * Allows clients to subscribe to notifications according to the event.
- *
- * @param in_uri The reference to the event that we would be aware of when it happens.
- * @param in_options Optional flag to get more information about the event happened.
- * @param in_callback A delegate to be executed during the subscription event.
- * @param out_subscriptionId Gets the id of this subscription.
- * @param out_result A JSON object that contains useful informations about the subscription process to a specific event, gets an error infos in case the subscription failed.
- * @return A boolean to ensure that the subscription was successfully done.
- */
- bool Subscribe(const char* in_uri, const FString& in_options, WampEventCallback in_callback,
- uint64& out_subscriptionId, FString& out_result, int in_iTimeoutMs = 500);
- bool Subscribe(const char* in_uri, const TSharedRef<FJsonObject>& in_options, WampEventCallback in_callback,
- uint64& out_subscriptionId, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& out_result, int in_iTimeoutMs = 500);
- /**
- * Unsubscribe to notifications
- *
- * @param in_subscriptionId Gets the id of the current subscription to the event from which we want to be unsubscribed.
- * @param out_result A JSON object that contains useful informations about the unsubscription process from a specific event, gets an error infos in case the unsubscription failed.
- * @return A boolean to ensure that the unsubscription was successfully done.
- */
- bool Unsubscribe(const uint64_t& in_subscriptionId, FString& out_result, int in_iTimeoutMs = 500, bool in_bSilenceLog = false);
- bool Unsubscribe(const uint64_t& in_subscriptionId, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& out_result, int in_iTimeoutMs = 500, bool in_bSilenceLog = false);
- /**
- * Remove manually the WampEventCallback, used by the WAAPI picker when the connection is lost
- *
- * @param in_subscriptionId The subscription id to the event from which we want to be unsubscribed.
- */
- bool RemoveWampEventCallback(const uint64_t in_subscriptionId);
- /**
- *
- *
- * @param in_uri The Function that will be called when an event that we would be aware of happens.
- * @param in_args The arguments referenced to the in_uri function.
- * @param in_options Optional flag to get more information about the event happened.
- * @param out_result A JSON object that contains useful informations about the Call process to a specific event, gets an error infos in case the Call fails.
- * @return A boolean to ensure that the call was successfully passed.
- */
- bool Call(const char* in_uri, const FString& in_args, const FString& in_options, FString& out_result, int in_iTimeoutMs = 500, bool silenceLog = false);
- bool Call(const char* in_uri, const TSharedRef<FJsonObject>& in_args, const TSharedRef<FJsonObject>& in_options,
- TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& out_result, int in_iTimeoutMs = 500, bool silenceLog = false);
- /**
- * Call WAAPI to change the object name form the path or the id of the object (inFromIdOrPath).
- *
- * @param inUri The Unique Resource Identifier used to indicate a specific action to WAAPI; i.e. ak::wwise::core::object::setName
- * @param Values An array that contains the pair of field and field value; e.i. when asking WAAPI to rename an item, the arguments are like this : {{object,id},{value,newname}}
- * @return A boolean to ensure that the call was successfully done.
- */
- bool Call(const char* inUri, const TArray<KeyValueArgs>& Values, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& outJsonResult);
- /** Sets in_outParentGUID to the object ID of a parent of object in_objectGUID of type in_strType. */
- static void GetParentOfType(FGuid in_objectGUID, FGuid& in_outParentGUID, FString in_strType);
- /** Gets the path of the currently loaded project in Wwise Authoring. */
- static bool GetProjectPath(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& inOutJsonReslut, FString& ProjectPath);
- WwiseProjectLoaded OnProjectLoaded;
- WAAPIConnectionLost OnConnectionLost;
- BeginDestroyClient OnClientBeginDestroy;
- /** This is called when the reconnection handler successfully connects to WAAPI.
- * We check if the correct project is loaded on a background thread. If it is, we broadcast OnProjectLoaded.
- * We also subscribe to ak::wwise::core::project::loaded in order to check the project whenever one is loaded.
- * If an incorrect project is loaded we broadcast OnConnectionLost.
- */
- void ConnectionEstablished();
- void BroadcastConnectionLost();
- static bool IsProjectLoaded();
- /**
- * Indicates that the connection to WAAPI should be stopped and shouldn't be reconnected.
- */
- bool IsDisconnecting();
- bool AppIsExiting();
- void SetConnectionClosing(bool isClosing);
- /**
- * Since it's a singleton WaapiClient, we want to make sure these methods (copying constructor and assignment operator).
- * are unacceptable otherwise we may accidentally get copies of our WaapiClient singleton appearing.
- */
- FAkWaapiClient(FAkWaapiClient const&) = delete;
- void operator=(FAkWaapiClient const&) = delete;
- //===================================================================================================
- // WAAPI enums
- //===================================================================================================
- enum class WAAPIGetFromOption : AkUInt16
- {
- ID = 0,
- };
- static FString GetFromOptionString(WAAPIGetFromOption from);
- enum class WAAPIGetTransformOption : AkUInt16
- {
- SELECT = 0,
- };
- static FString GetTransformOptionString(WAAPIGetTransformOption transform);
- enum class WAAPIGetReturnOptionFlag : AkInt64
- {
- ID = 0x1,
- NAME = 0x2,
- NOTES = 0x4,
- TYPE = 0x8,
- PATH = 0x10,
- PARENT = 0x20,
- OWNER = 0x40,
- IS_PLAYABLE = 0x80,
- SHORT_ID = 0x100,
- CATEGORY = 0x200,
- FILEPATH = 0x400,
- WORKUNIT = 0x800,
- CHILDREN_COUNT = 0x1000,
- WORKUNIT_TYPE = 0x400000,
- WORKUNIT_IS_DIRTY = 0x800000,
- NUM_FLAGS = 0x19
- };
- //===================================================================================================
- // WAAPI JSon Helpers
- //===================================================================================================
- /** Returns a shared reference to a FJsonObject with the requested WAAPI FROM and TRANSFORM items. */
- static TSharedRef<FJsonObject> CreateWAAPIGetArgumentJson(WAAPIGetFromOption in_FromOption, TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> in_FromItems,
- WAAPIGetTransformOption in_TransformOption = WAAPIGetTransformOption::NONE,
- TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> in_TransformItems = TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>>());
- /** Returns a shared reference to a FJsonObject with the requested WAAPI RETURN options. */
- static TSharedRef<FJsonObject> CreateWAAPIGetReturnOptionsJson(AkInt64 ReturnOptions);
- static WAAPIGetReturnOptionFlag GetReturnOptionFlagValue(int in_iFlagIndex);
- /** Returns the correct string for a given WAAPI RETURN option. */
- static FString GetReturnOptionString(WAAPIGetReturnOptionFlag returnOption);
- /** Calls wwise.core.object.get with the given WAAPI FROM, RETURN, and TRANSFORM items.*/
- static bool WAAPIGet(WAAPIGetFromOption inFromField,
- TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> inFromItems,
- AkInt64 inReturnOptionsFlags,
- TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& outJsonResult,
- WAAPIGetTransformOption inTransformField = WAAPIGetTransformOption::NONE,
- TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> inTransformItems = TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>>(),
- bool in_bSilenceLog = false);
- /** Searches for an object of type in_sTypeName with name in_sName via WAAPI. */
- static bool GetGUIDForObjectOfTypeWithName(FGuid& io_GUID, const FString& in_sTypeName, const FString& in_sName);
- /** Saves the Wwise project via WAAPI.*/
- static void SaveProject();
- //===================================================================================================
- // WAAPI Strings
- //===================================================================================================
- struct WAAPIStrings
- {
- static const FString BACK_SLASH;
- static const FString ID;
- static const FString RETURN;
- static const FString PATH;
- static const FString FILEPATH;
- static const FString FROM;
- static const FString NAME;
- static const FString TYPE;
- static const FString CHILDREN;
- static const FString CHILDREN_COUNT;
- static const FString ANCESTORS;
- static const FString DESCENDANTS;
- static const FString WOKUNIT_TYPE;
- static const FString FOLDER;
- static const FString PHYSICAL_FOLDER;
- static const FString SEARCH;
- static const FString PARENT;
- static const FString SELECT;
- static const FString TRANSFORM;
- static const FString OBJECT;
- static const FString OBJECTS;
- static const FString VALUE;
- static const FString COMMAND;
- static const FString TRANSPORT;
- static const FString ACTION;
- static const FString PLAY;
- static const FString STOP;
- static const FString STOPPED;
- static const FString DISPLAY_NAME;
- static const FString DELETE_ITEMS;
- static const FString DRAG_DROP_ITEMS;
- static const FString UNDO;
- static const FString REDO;
- static const FString STATE;
- static const FString OF_TYPE;
- static const FString PROJECT;
- static const FString PROPERTY;
- static const FString VOLUME;
- static const FString FIND_IN_PROJECT_EXPLORER;
- static const FString TRIMMED_DURATION;
- };
- struct WwiseTypeStrings
- {
- static const FString SOUND;
- static const FString WORKUNIT;
- };
- struct AudioPeaksStrings
- {
- struct Args
- {
- static const FString OBJECT;
- static const FString NUM_PEAKS;
- static const FString TIME_FROM;
- static const FString TIME_TO;
- static const FString CROSS_CHANNEL_PEAKS;
- };
- struct Results
- {
- static const FString PEAKS_BINARY;
- static const FString MAX_ABS_VALUE;
- static const FString PEAKS_ARRAY_LENGTH;
- static const FString PEAKS_DATA_SIZE;
- };
- };
- struct PropertyChangedStrings
- {
- struct RequiredOptions
- {
- static const FString OBJECT;
- static const FString PROPERTY;
- };
- struct OptionalOptions
- {
- static const FString RETURN;
- static const FString PLATFORM;
- };
- };
- struct AudioSourceProperties
- {
- static const FString TRIM_END;
- static const FString TRIM_BEGIN;
- };
- struct PlaybackDurationStrings
- {
- static const FString MIN;
- static const FString MAX;
- static const FString TYPE;
- };
- struct TrimValuesStrings
- {
- static const FString TRIM_BEGIN;
- static const FString TRIM_END;
- };
- bool bIsWrongProjectLoaded = false;
- private:
- /**
- * Since it's a singleton WaapiClient, we want to make sure this method (default constructor).
- * is inaccessible otherwise we may accidentally get instances of our WaapiClient singleton appearing.
- */
- FAkWaapiClient();
- /** Checks if the currently loaded Wwise project matches the project path set in AkSettings (Wwise plugin settings).
- * NOTE: This function will block while Wwise has a modal window open. It should not be called on the Game thread.
- */
- static bool CheckProjectLoaded();
- struct FAkWaapiClientImpl* m_Impl;
- };