123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise
- Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package.
- The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the
- AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology.
- Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User
- License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal
- License Usage
- Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use
- this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the
- software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained
- in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- #pragma once
- #include "CoreMinimal.h"
- #include "Input/DragAndDrop.h"
- #include "Widgets/DeclarativeSyntaxSupport.h"
- #include "Widgets/SBoxPanel.h"
- #include "Widgets/Layout/SBorder.h"
- #include "Widgets/Images/SImage.h"
- #include "Widgets/Text/STextBlock.h"
- #include "WaapiPicker/WwiseTreeItem.h"
- #include "AkAudioStyle.h"
- class AKAUDIO_API FWwisePropertyDragDropOp : public FDragDropOperation
- {
- public:
- DRAG_DROP_OPERATOR_TYPE(FWwisePropertyDragDropOp, FDragDropOperation)
- static TSharedRef<FWwisePropertyDragDropOp> New(const TArray<TSharedPtr<FString>>& in_Wwiseproperties)
- {
- TSharedRef<FWwisePropertyDragDropOp> Operation = MakeShareable(new FWwisePropertyDragDropOp);
- Operation->MouseCursor = EMouseCursor::GrabHandClosed;
- #else
- Operation->MouseCursor = EMouseCursor::None;
- #endif
- Operation->Wwiseproperties = in_Wwiseproperties;
- Operation->Construct();
- return Operation;
- }
- const TArray< TSharedPtr<FString> >& GetWiseProperties() const
- {
- return Wwiseproperties;
- }
- public:
- FText GetDecoratorText() const
- {
- FString Text = Wwiseproperties.Num() == 1 ? *Wwiseproperties[0].Get() : TEXT("");
- if (Wwiseproperties.Num() > 1 )
- {
- Text = FString::Printf(TEXT("Can't handle more than one Property"));
- }
- return FText::FromString(Text);
- }
- virtual TSharedPtr<SWidget> GetDefaultDecorator() const override
- {
- return
- SNew(SBorder)
- .BorderImage(FAkAudioStyle::GetBrush("AudiokineticTools.AssetDragDropTooltipBackground"))
- .Content()
- [
- SNew(SHorizontalBox)
- // slot for the item name.
- + SHorizontalBox::Slot()
- .AutoWidth()
- .VAlign(VAlign_Center)
- [
- SNew(SHorizontalBox)
- +SHorizontalBox::Slot()
- .AutoWidth()
- .Padding(3,0,3,0)
- .VAlign(VAlign_Center)
- [
- SNew(STextBlock)
- .Text(this, &FWwisePropertyDragDropOp::GetDecoratorText)
- ]
- ]
- ];
- #else
- return NULL;
- #endif
- }
- private:
- /** Data for the asset this item represents */
- TArray<TSharedPtr<FString>> Wwiseproperties;
- };