123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise
- Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package.
- The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the
- AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology.
- Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User
- License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal
- License Usage
- Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use
- this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the
- software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained
- in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SWaapiPicker.h
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #pragma once
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SWaapiPicker
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "WwiseTreeItem.h"
- #include "Misc/TextFilter.h"
- #include "Widgets/Views/STableRow.h"
- #include "AkWaapiClient.h"
- #include "Dom/JsonObject.h"
- #include "Widgets/Input/SSearchBox.h"
- #include "Widgets/Views/STreeView.h"
- #include "Framework/Commands/UICommandList.h"
- DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnImportWwiseAssetsClicked, const FString&);
- typedef TTextFilter< const FString& > StringFilter;
- struct TransformStringField
- {
- const FString keyArg;
- const TArray<FString> valueStringArgs;
- const TArray<int32> valueNumberArgs;
- };
- class AKAUDIO_API SWaapiPicker : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- typedef TSlateDelegates< TSharedPtr< FWwiseTreeItem > >::FOnSelectionChanged FOnSelectionChanged;
- DECLARE_DELEGATE(FOnGenerateSoundBankClicked);
- DECLARE_DELEGATE(FOnRefreshClicked);
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS( SWaapiPicker )
- : _FocusSearchBoxWhenOpened(false)
- , _ShowTreeTitle(true)
- , _ShowSearchBar(true)
- , _ShowSeparator(true)
- , _AllowContextMenu(true)
- , _RestrictContextMenu(false)
- , _ShowGenerateSoundBanksButton(false)
- , _SelectionMode( ESelectionMode::Multi )
- {}
- /** Content displayed to the left of the search bar */
- SLATE_NAMED_SLOT( FArguments, SearchContent )
- /** If true, the search box will be focus the frame after construction */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT( bool, FocusSearchBoxWhenOpened )
- /** If true, The tree title will be displayed */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT( bool, ShowTreeTitle )
- /** If true, The tree search bar will be displayed */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT( bool, ShowSearchBar )
- /** If true, The tree search bar separator be displayed */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT( bool, ShowSeparator )
- /** If false, the context menu will be suppressed */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT( bool, AllowContextMenu )
- /** If true, editor options (like explore section) will be restricted from the context menu */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(bool, RestrictContextMenu)
- /** If true, it will show the Generate SoundBanks button */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(bool, ShowGenerateSoundBanksButton)
- /** The selection mode for the tree view */
- SLATE_ARGUMENT( ESelectionMode::Type, SelectionMode )
- /** Handles the drag and drop operations */
- SLATE_EVENT(FOnDragDetected, OnDragDetected)
- /** Handles the selection operation */
- SLATE_EVENT(FOnSelectionChanged, OnSelectionChanged)
- /** Handles the Generate SoundBanks click operation */
- SLATE_EVENT(FOnGenerateSoundBankClicked, OnGenerateSoundBanksClicked)
- /** Handles the Refresh click operation */
- SLATE_EVENT(FOnRefreshClicked, OnRefreshClicked)
- /** Handles the Import asset operation */
- SLATE_EVENT(FOnImportWwiseAssetsClicked, OnImportWwiseAssetsClicked)
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- SWaapiPicker(void);
- ~SWaapiPicker();
- static const FName WaapiPickerTabName;
- static const FText ModalWarning;
- virtual void Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime ) override;
- /**
- * Call WAAPI to get information about an object form the path or the id of the object (inFrom).
- *
- * @param inFromField The path or the id from which the data will be get.
- * @param outJsonResult A JSON object that contains useful informations about the call process, gets the object infos or gets an error infos in case the call failed.
- * @return A boolean to ensure that the call was successfully done.
- */
- static bool CallWaapiGetInfoFrom(const FString& inFromField, const FString& inFromString, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& outJsonResult, const TArray<TransformStringField>& TransformFields);
- /**
- * Check if an item exists in the ItemTree, using the item path.
- *
- * @param RootItem The root of the item we are looking for.
- * @param CurrentItemPath The path of the item we are looking for.
- * @return The item that we are looking for if it exists, otherwise an invalid one.
- */
- TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> FindItemFromPath(const TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem>& RootItem, const FString& CurrentItemPath);
- /**
- * Construct the tree items within the CurrentItem path.
- *
- * @param CurrentItem the current item already created and need to create his parents from his path.
- */
- void FindAndCreateItems(TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> CurrentItem);
- /**
- * Allows to get the root of an item from the path specified.
- *
- * @param InFullPath A path used to search for the right root item from the root list.
- * @return The root item correspondent to the full path.
- */
- inline TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> GetRootItem(const FString& InFullPath);
- /**
- * Allows to get information from a FJsonValue object and use it to create an FWwiseTreeItem.
- *
- * @param inJsonItem An FJsonValue from which we get utile data to construct the FWwiseTreeItem object.
- * @return An FWwiseTreeItem that will be added to the root items.
- */
- TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> ConstructWwiseTreeItem(const TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>& InJsonItem);
- TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> ConstructWwiseTreeItem(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& ItemInfoObj);
- virtual FReply OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyboardEvent) override;
- /** Returns all the items currently selected in the Waapi Picker view */
- const TArray<TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem>> GetSelectedItems() const;
- const FString GetSearchText() const;
- const void SetSearchText(const FString& newText);
- private:
- /** The tree view widget */
- TSharedPtr< STreeView< TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem>> > TreeViewPtr;
- /** The asset tree search box */
- TSharedPtr< SSearchBox > SearchBoxPtr;
- /** Filter for the search box */
- TSharedPtr<StringFilter> SearchBoxFilter;
- /** Root items, one for each type of Wwise object */
- FCriticalSection RootItemsLock;
- TArray< TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> > RootItems;
- FGraphEventRef ConstructTreeTask;
- /** Bool to prevent the selection changed callback from running */
- bool AllowTreeViewDelegates;
- /** Remember the selected items. Useful when filtering to preserve selection status. */
- TSet< FGuid > LastSelectedItems;
- /** Remember the expanded items. Useful when filtering to preserve expansion status. */
- TSet< FGuid > LastExpandedItems;
- struct TransportInfo
- {
- int32 TransportID;
- uint64 SubscriptionID;
- TransportInfo(int32 transID, uint64 subsID) : TransportID(transID), SubscriptionID(subsID) {}
- };
- /** Remember the played items. Useful to play/stop and event. */
- TMap<FGuid, TransportInfo> ItemToTransport;
- /** Commands handled by this widget */
- TSharedRef<FUICommandList> CommandList;
- /** Delegate to invoke when drag drop detected. */
- FOnDragDetected OnDragDetected;
- /** Delegate to invoke when an item is selected. */
- FOnSelectionChanged OnSelectionChanged;
- FOnGenerateSoundBankClicked OnGenerateSoundBanksClicked;
- FOnRefreshClicked OnRefreshClicked;
- /** Delegate to invoke when assets are imported. */
- FOnImportWwiseAssetsClicked OnImportWwiseAssetsClicked;
- /** Whether to disable the context menu and keyboard controls of the explore section*/
- bool bRestrictContextMenu;
- /* Callback handles. */
- FDelegateHandle ProjectLoadedHandle;
- FDelegateHandle ConnectionLostHandle;
- FDelegateHandle ClientBeginDestroyHandle;
- //Waapi Client callbacks
- void RemoveClientCallbacks();
- void OnProjectLoadedCallback();
- void OnConnectionLostCallback();
- /* Used to show/hide the Picker/Warning */
- EVisibility isPickerAllowed() const;
- EVisibility isWarningVisible() const;
- FText GetWarningText() const;
- bool isPickerVisible;
- bool isModalActiveInWwise = false;
- /** One-off active timer to focus the widget post-construct */
- EActiveTimerReturnType SetFocusPostConstruct(double InCurrentTime, float InDeltaTime);
- /** Ran when the Refresh button is clicked. Populates the window. */
- FReply OnRefreshButtonClicked();
- FReply OnGenerateSoundBanksButtonClicked();
- /** Populates the picker window only (does not parse the Wwise project) */
- void ConstructTree();
- /** Generate a row in the tree view */
- TSharedRef<ITableRow> GenerateRow( TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> TreeItem, const TSharedRef<STableViewBase>& OwnerTable );
- /** Get the children of a specific tree element */
- void GetChildrenForTree( TSharedPtr< FWwiseTreeItem > TreeItem, TArray< TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> >& OutChildren );
- /** Handle Drag & Drop */
- FReply HandleOnDragDetected(const FGeometry& Geometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent);
- void ExpandFirstLevel();
- void ExpandParents(TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> Item);
- FText GetProjectName() const;
- /** Used by the search filter */
- void PopulateSearchStrings( const FString& FolderName, OUT TArray< FString >& OutSearchStrings ) const;
- void OnSearchBoxChanged( const FText& InSearchText );
- FText GetHighlightText() const;
- void FilterUpdated();
- void SetItemVisibility(TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> Item, bool IsVisible);
- void ApplyFilter();
- void RestoreTreeExpansion(const TArray< TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> >& Items);
- /** Handler for tree view selection changes */
- void TreeSelectionChanged( TSharedPtr< FWwiseTreeItem > TreeItem, ESelectInfo::Type SelectInfo );
- /** Handler for tree view expansion changes */
- void TreeExpansionChanged( TSharedPtr< FWwiseTreeItem > TreeItem, bool bIsExpanded );
- FString ProjectFolder;
- FString ProjectName;
- /** True if the specified item is selected in the asset tree */
- bool IsTreeItemSelected(TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> TreeItem) const;
- /** Builds the command list for the context menu on Waapi Picker items. */
- void CreateWaapiPickerCommands();
- /** Callback for creating a context menu for the Wwise items list. */
- TSharedPtr<SWidget> MakeWaapiPickerContextMenu();
- /** Helper functions for playback */
- int32 CreateTransport(const FGuid& ItemID);
- void DestroyTransport(const FGuid& ItemID);
- void TogglePlayStop(int32 TransportID);
- void StopTransport(int32 TransportID);
- uint64 SubscribeToTransportStateChanged(int32 TransportID);
- void HandleStateChanged(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> UEJsonObject);
- /** Callback returns true if the rename command can be executed. */
- bool HandleRenameWwiseItemCommandCanExecute() const;
- /** Callback to execute the rename command from the context menu. */
- void HandleRenameWwiseItemCommandExecute() const;
- /** Callback returns true if the play command can be executed. */
- bool HandlePlayWwiseItemCommandCanExecute() const;
- /** Callback to execute the play command from the context menu. */
- void HandlePlayWwiseItemCommandExecute();
- /** Callback to execute the stop all command from the context menu. */
- void StopAndDestroyAllTransports();
- /** Callback returns true if the delete command can be executed. */
- bool HandleDeleteWwiseItemCommandCanExecute() const;
- /** Callback to execute the delete command from the context menu. */
- void HandleDeleteWwiseItemCommandExecute();
- /** Callback to execute the explore item command from the context menu. */
- void HandleExploreWwiseItemCommandExecute() const;
- /** Callback returns true if the command can be executed. */
- bool HandleWwiseCommandCanExecute() const;
- /** Callback to execute the find item in project explorer command from the context menu. */
- void HandleFindWwiseItemInProjectExplorerCommandExecute() const;
- /** Callback to execute the refresh command from the context menu. */
- void HandleRefreshWaapiPickerCommandExecute();
- /** Callback to execute the undo command */
- void HandleUndoWaapiPickerCommandExecute() const;
- /** Callback to execute the redo command */
- void HandleRedoWaapiPickerCommandExecute() const;
- /** Callback to import a Wwise item into the project's Contents*/
- void HandleImportWwiseItemCommandExecute() const;
- void SubscribeWaapiCallbacks();
- void UnsubscribeWaapiCallbacks();
- void OnWaapiRenamed(uint64_t Id, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Response);
- void OnWaapiChildAdded(uint64_t Id, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Response);
- void OnWaapiChildRemoved(uint64_t Id, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Response);
- void OnWwiseSelectionChanged(uint64_t Id, TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Response);
- void CreateTreeItemWaapi(const TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem>& parentTreeItem, const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& childJson);
- template<typename ActionFunctor>
- void HandleOnWaapiChildResponse(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Response, const ActionFunctor& Action);
- TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> FindTreeItemFromJsonObject(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& Object, const FString& OverrideLastPart = FString());
- TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem> FindOrConstructTreeItemFromJsonObject(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& Object);
- private:
- struct FWaapiSubscriptionIds
- {
- uint64 Renamed = 0;
- uint64 ChildAdded = 0;
- uint64 ChildRemoved = 0;
- uint64 SelectionChanged = 0;
- } WaapiSubscriptionIds;
- TMap<FGuid, TSharedPtr<FWwiseTreeItem>> pendingTreeItems;
- };