123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise
- Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package.
- The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the
- AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology.
- Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User
- License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal
- License Usage
- Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use
- this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the
- software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained
- in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- #pragma once
- #include "AkAssetMigrationHelper.h"
- #include "Application/SlateWindowHelper.h"
- #include "CoreMinimal.h"
- #include "Input/Reply.h"
- #include "Styling/SlateTypes.h"
- #include "Widgets/DeclarativeSyntaxSupport.h"
- #include "Widgets/SCompoundWidget.h"
- #include "Widgets/SCompoundWidget.h"
- #include "Widgets/SWidget.h"
- #include "Widgets/Input/SCheckBox.h"
- #include "Widgets/Input/SDirectoryPicker.h"
- #include "Widgets/Input/SComboBox.h"
- #include "Widgets/Input/SFilePathPicker.h"
- #include "Widgets/Layout/SExpandableArea.h"
- class SEditableTextBox;
- /**
- * A File path box (that actually lets you create a new file).
- */
- class SDefinitionFilePicker : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnFileChanged, const FString& /*Directory*/);
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SDefinitionFilePicker)
- : _IsEnabled(true) {}
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(FString, FilePath)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(FText, Message)
- SLATE_ATTRIBUTE(bool, IsEnabled)
- /** Called when a path has been picked or modified. */
- SLATE_EVENT(FOnFileChanged, OnFileChanged)
- public:
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- FString GetFilePath() const;
- /**
- * Declares a delegate that is executed when a file was picked in the SFilePicker widget.
- *
- * The first parameter will contain the path to the picked file.
- */
- DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnFilePicked, const FString& /*PickedPath*/);
- private:
- void OnFileTextChanged(const FText& InFilePath);
- void OnFileTextCommited(const FText& InText, ETextCommit::Type InCommitType);
- FText GetFilePathText() const;
- bool OpenDefinitionFilePicker(FString& OutDirectory, const FString& DefaultPath);
- FReply BrowseForFile();
- private:
- FString FilePath;
- FText Message;
- /** Holds a delegate that is executed when a file was picked. */
- FOnFileChanged OnFileChanged;
- TSharedPtr<SEditableTextBox> EditableTextBox;
- };
- class SBankTransferWidget : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SBankTransferWidget) {}
- TSharedPtr<SCheckBox> SoundBankTransferCheckBox;
- TSharedPtr<SCheckBox> TransferAutoLoadCheckBox;
- TSharedPtr<SCheckBox> DeleteSoundBanksCheckBox;
- TSharedPtr<SDefinitionFilePicker> SoundBankDefinitionFilePathPicker;
- AkAssetMigration::EBankTransferMode BankTransferMethod = AkAssetMigration::EBankTransferMode::NoTransfer;
- FString SoundBankDefinitionFilePath = TEXT("");
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- void SetDefinitionFilePath(const FString& PickedPath);
- void SetTransferMethod(AkAssetMigration::EBankTransferMode TransferMethod);
- void OnCheckedTransferBanks(ECheckBoxState NewState);
- bool GetDefinitionFilePath(FString& OutFilePath) const ;
- bool CheckWaapiConnection() const;
- EVisibility GetDefinitionFilePathVisibility() const;
- EVisibility GetTransferMethodVisibility() const;
- TSharedRef<SWidget> OnGetTransferMethodMenu();
- FText GetTransferMethodText() const;
- FLinearColor GetDropDownColour() const;
- FSlateColor GetDropDownBorderColour() const;
- private :
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableSection;
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableDetails;
- };
- class SDeprecatedAssetCleanupWidget : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SDeprecatedAssetCleanupWidget) {}
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(int, NumDeprecatedAssets)
- TSharedPtr<SCheckBox> DeleteAssetsCheckBox;
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- private:
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableSection;
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableDetails;
- };
- class SAssetMigrationWidget : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SAssetMigrationWidget) {}
- TSharedPtr<SCheckBox> MigrateAssetsCheckBox;
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- private :
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableSection;
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableDetails;
- };
- class SProjectMigrationWidget : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SProjectMigrationWidget) {}
- TSharedPtr<SCheckBox> AutoMigrateCheckbox;
- TSharedPtr<SDirectoryPicker> GeneratedSoundBanksFolderPickerWidget;
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- EVisibility GetPathVisibility() const;
- private :
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableSection;
- TSharedPtr<SExpandableArea> ExpandableDetails;
- };
- class SMigrationWidget : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SMigrationWidget) {}
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(TSharedPtr<SWindow>, Dialog)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(bool, ShowBankTransfer)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(bool, ShowDeprecatedAssetCleanup)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(bool, ShowAssetMigration)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(bool, ShowProjectMigration)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(int, NumDeprecatedAssets)
- TSharedPtr<SWindow> Dialog;
- TSharedPtr<SBankTransferWidget> BankTransferWidget;
- TSharedPtr<SDeprecatedAssetCleanupWidget> DeprecatedAssetCleanupWidget;
- TSharedPtr<SAssetMigrationWidget> AssetMigrationWidget;
- TSharedPtr<SProjectMigrationWidget> ProjectMigrationWidget;
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- FReply OnContinueClicked();
- FReply OnCancelClicked();
- EVisibility GetBankTransferWidgetVisibility() const;
- EVisibility GetMediaCleanupWidgetVisibility() const;
- EVisibility GetAssetMigrationWidgetVisibility() const;
- EVisibility GetProjectMigrationWidgetVisibility() const;
- bool CanClickContinue() const;
- FText GetContinueToolTip() const;
- bool bCancel = false;
- private:
- bool bShowBankTransfer;
- bool bShowMediaCleanup;
- bool bShowAssetMigration;
- bool bShowProjectMigration;
- };
- class SBankMigrationFailureWidget : public SCompoundWidget
- {
- public:
- SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SBankMigrationFailureWidget) {}
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(TSharedPtr<SWindow>, Dialog)
- SLATE_ARGUMENT(FText, ErrorMessage);
- TSharedPtr<SWindow> Dialog;
- void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
- FReply OnCancelClicked();
- FReply OnIgnoreClicked();
- bool bCancel = false;
- };