123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452 |
- /*******************************************************************************
- The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise
- Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package.
- The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the
- AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology.
- Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User
- License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal
- License Usage
- Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use
- this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the
- software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained
- in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include "WwiseBrowser/WwiseBrowserHelpers.h"
- #include "AkUEFeatures.h"
- #include "AkAcousticTexture.h"
- #include "AkUEFeatures.h"
- #include "AkAudioEvent.h"
- #include "AkAuxBus.h"
- #include "AkRtpc.h"
- #include "AkStateValue.h"
- #include "AkSwitchValue.h"
- #include "AkTrigger.h"
- #include "AkEffectShareSet.h"
- #include "AkInitBank.h"
- #include "AkUnrealHelper.h"
- #include "AudiokineticTools/Public/AkAssetFactories.h"
- #include "AudiokineticTools/Private/AssetManagement/AkAssetDatabase.h"
- #include "IAudiokineticTools.h"
- #include "AssetRegistry/AssetRegistryModule.h"
- #include "AssetTools/Public/AssetToolsModule.h"
- #include "Async/Async.h"
- #include "Engine/ObjectReferencer.h"
- #include "FileHelpers.h"
- #include "ObjectTools.h"
- #include "PackageTools.h"
- #define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "AkAudio"
- EWwiseItemType::Type WwiseBrowserHelpers::GetTypeFromClass(UClass* Class)
- {
- if (Class == UAkAudioEvent::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::Event;
- }
- if (Class == UAkAcousticTexture::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::AcousticTexture;
- }
- if (Class == UAkRtpc::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::GameParameter;
- }
- if (Class == UAkStateValue::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::State;
- }
- if (Class == UAkSwitchValue::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::Switch;
- }
- if (Class == UAkTrigger::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::Trigger;
- }
- if (Class == UAkEffectShareSet::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::EffectShareSet;
- }
- if (Class == UAkAuxBus::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::AuxBus;
- }
- if(Class == UAkInitBank::StaticClass())
- {
- return EWwiseItemType::InitBank;
- }
- return EWwiseItemType::None;
- }
- void WwiseBrowserHelpers::FindOrCreateAssetsRecursive(const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem,
- TArray<WwiseBrowserAssetPayload>& InOutBrowserAssetPayloads, TSet<FGuid>& InOutKnownGuids,
- const EAssetCreationMode AssetCreationMode, const FString& PackagePath, const FString& CurrentRelativePath)
- {
- FString Name;
- UClass* WwiseAssetClass = nullptr;
- FString CurrentRelativePackagePath = PackagePath / CurrentRelativePath;
- if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemId.IsValid() && InOutKnownGuids.Contains(WwiseTreeItem->ItemId))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::Event)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkAudioEvent::StaticClass();
- }
- if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::AcousticTexture)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkAcousticTexture::StaticClass();
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::AuxBus)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkAuxBus::StaticClass();
- for (FWwiseTreeItemPtr Child : WwiseTreeItem->GetChildren())
- {
- FString NewRelativePath = CurrentRelativePath / WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- FindOrCreateAssetsRecursive(Child, InOutBrowserAssetPayloads, InOutKnownGuids, AssetCreationMode, PackagePath, NewRelativePath);
- }
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::GameParameter)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkRtpc::StaticClass();
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::State)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->GetSwitchAssetName();
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkStateValue::StaticClass();
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::Switch)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->GetSwitchAssetName();
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkSwitchValue::StaticClass();
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::Trigger)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkTrigger::StaticClass();
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType == EWwiseItemType::EffectShareSet)
- {
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkEffectShareSet::StaticClass();
- }
- else if (WwiseTreeItem->IsFolder())
- {
- //Add object to prevent Drag and Drop in the world.
- WwiseAssetClass = UAkDragDropBlocker::StaticClass();
- Name = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- for (FWwiseTreeItemPtr Child : WwiseTreeItem->GetChildren())
- {
- FString NewRelativePath = CurrentRelativePath / Name;
- FindOrCreateAssetsRecursive(Child, InOutBrowserAssetPayloads, InOutKnownGuids, AssetCreationMode, PackagePath, NewRelativePath);
- }
- }
- if (WwiseAssetClass)
- {
- TArray<FAssetData> SearchResults;
- WwiseBrowserAssetPayload Payload;
- AkAssetDatabase::Get().FindAssetsByGuidAndClass(WwiseTreeItem->ItemId, WwiseAssetClass, Payload.ExistingAssets);
- if (Payload.ExistingAssets.Num() == 0)
- {
- Payload.CreatedAsset = CreateBrowserAsset(Name, WwiseTreeItem, WwiseAssetClass, AssetCreationMode, PackagePath / CurrentRelativePath);
- }
- Payload.Name = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(Name);
- Payload.RelativePackagePath = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(CurrentRelativePath);
- Payload.WwiseObjectGuid = WwiseTreeItem->ItemId;
- InOutBrowserAssetPayloads.Add(Payload);
- InOutKnownGuids.Add(WwiseTreeItem->ItemId);
- }
- }
- FAssetData WwiseBrowserHelpers::CreateBrowserAsset(const FString& AssetName, const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem, UClass* AssetClass, const EAssetCreationMode AssetCreationMode, const FString& PackagePath)
- {
- //We shouldn't call NewObject outside of the game thread
- if (!IsInGameThread())
- {
- AsyncTask(ENamedThreads::GameThread, [AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, AssetClass, AssetCreationMode, PackagePath]
- {
- CreateBrowserAssetTask(AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, AssetClass, AssetCreationMode, PackagePath);
- });
- // Spoof the FAssetData for the asset that will be created asynchronously
- const FString SanitizedName = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(AssetName);
- //Folder asset are always created in the transient package
- if (AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::Transient || WwiseTreeItem->IsFolder())
- {
- FString AssetPackage = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(GetTransientPackage()->GetPathName() / AssetClass->GetName());
- #if UE_5_1_OR_LATER
- return FAssetData(FName(AssetPackage), FName(GetTransientPackage()->GetPathName()), FName(*SanitizedName), AssetClass->GetClassPathName());
- #else
- return FAssetData(FName(AssetPackage), FName(GetTransientPackage()->GetPathName()), FName(*SanitizedName), AssetClass->GetFName());
- #endif
- }
- else if (AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::InPackage)
- {
- FString AssetPackage = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(PackagePath / AssetName);
- #if UE_5_1_OR_LATER
- return FAssetData(FName(AssetPackage), FName(PackagePath), FName(*SanitizedName), AssetClass->GetClassPathName());
- #else
- return FAssetData(FName(AssetPackage), FName(PackagePath), FName(*SanitizedName), AssetClass->GetFName());
- #endif
- }
- }
- return CreateBrowserAssetTask(AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, AssetClass, AssetCreationMode, PackagePath);
- }
- FAssetData WwiseBrowserHelpers::CreateBrowserAssetTask(const FString& AssetName, const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem, UClass* AssetClass, const EAssetCreationMode AssetCreationMode, const FString& PackagePath)
- {
- if (!ensureMsgf(IsInGameThread(), TEXT("WwiseBrowserHelpers::CreateBrowserAsset : Not in the Game thread. Assets will not be created.")))
- {
- return {};
- }
- //Folder asset are always created in the transient package
- if (AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::Transient || WwiseTreeItem->IsFolder())
- {
- return CreateTransientAsset(AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, AssetClass);
- }
- else //if (AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::InPackage)
- {
- return CreateAssetInPackage(AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, PackagePath, AssetClass);
- }
- }
- FAssetData WwiseBrowserHelpers::CreateTransientAsset(const FString& AssetName, const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem, UClass* AssetClass)
- {
- //Create a sub-package in transient to avoid asset name collisions for different wwise object type
- const FString PackageName = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(GetTransientPackage()->GetPathName() / AssetClass->GetName());
- UPackage* Pkg = CreatePackage(*PackageName);
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, VeryVerbose, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Creating new temporary %s asset for Drag operation in '%s' in '%s'."), *AssetClass->GetName(), *AssetName, *PackageName);
- return CreateAsset(AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, AssetClass, Pkg);
- }
- FAssetData WwiseBrowserHelpers::CreateAssetInPackage(const FString& AssetName, const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem, const FString& PackagePath, UClass* AssetClass)
- {
- const FString PackageName = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(PackagePath / AssetName);
- UPackage* Pkg = CreatePackage(*PackageName);
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, VeryVerbose, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Creating new %s asset '%s' in '%s'."), *AssetClass->GetName(), *AssetName, *PackageName);
- return CreateAsset(AssetName, WwiseTreeItem, AssetClass, Pkg);
- }
- FAssetData WwiseBrowserHelpers::CreateAsset(const FString& AssetName, const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem, UClass* AssetClass, UPackage* Pkg)
- {
- // Verify the asset class
- if (!ensureMsgf(AssetClass, TEXT("The new asset '%s' wasn't created due to a problem finding the appropriate class for the new asset.")))
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- const auto Factory = GetAssetFactory(WwiseTreeItem);
- const FString SanitizedName = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(AssetName);
- UObject* NewObj = nullptr;
- EObjectFlags Flags = RF_Public | RF_Transactional | RF_Standalone;
- if (Factory)
- {
- NewObj = Factory->FactoryCreateNew(AssetClass, Pkg, FName(*SanitizedName), Flags, nullptr, GWarn);
- }
- else if (AssetClass)
- {
- NewObj = NewObject<UObject>(Pkg, AssetClass, FName(*SanitizedName), Flags);
- }
- return FAssetData(NewObj);
- }
- void WwiseBrowserHelpers::SaveSelectedAssets(TArray<WwiseBrowserAssetPayload> Assets, const FString& RootPackagePath, const EAssetCreationMode AssetCreationMode, const EAssetDuplicationMode AssetDuplicationMode)
- {
- //It is probably dangerous to manipulate UObjects (rename/delete/duplicate) outside of the game thread
- if (!IsInGameThread())
- {
- AsyncTask(ENamedThreads::GameThread, [Assets, RootPackagePath, AssetCreationMode, AssetDuplicationMode]
- {
- SaveSelectedAssetsTask(Assets, RootPackagePath, AssetCreationMode, AssetDuplicationMode);
- });
- return;
- }
- SaveSelectedAssetsTask(Assets, RootPackagePath, AssetCreationMode, AssetDuplicationMode);
- }
- void WwiseBrowserHelpers::SaveSelectedAssetsTask(TArray<WwiseBrowserAssetPayload> Assets, const FString& RootPackagePath, const EAssetCreationMode AssetCreationMode, const EAssetDuplicationMode AssetDuplicationMode)
- {
- if (!ensureMsgf(IsInGameThread(), TEXT("WwiseBrowserHelpers::SaveSelectedAssets : Not in the Game thread. Assets will not be saved or moved.")))
- {
- return;
- }
- auto AssetToolsModule = &FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
- TArray<FAssetRenameData> AssetsToRename;
- TArray<FAssetData> AssetsToDelete;
- TArray<FAssetData> RenamedTransientAssets;
- TArray<UPackage*> PackagesToSave;
- for (WwiseBrowserAssetPayload& AssetResult : Assets)
- {
- const bool bPreExisting = AssetResult.ExistingAssets.Num() > 0;
- FString Path = AssetResult.RelativePackagePath;
- FString PackagePath = RootPackagePath;
- if (!Path.IsEmpty())
- {
- PackagePath = UPackageTools::SanitizePackageName(PackagePath / Path);
- }
- FString NewAssetPath = PackagePath / AssetResult.Name;
- if (bPreExisting)
- {
- if (AssetDuplicationMode == EAssetDuplicationMode::NoDuplication)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //Make sure none of the existing assets would be overwritten by the new asset we want to duplicate
- bool bMatch = false;
- for (auto ExistingAsset : AssetResult.ExistingAssets)
- {
- if (ExistingAsset.PackageName.ToString() == NewAssetPath)
- {
- bMatch = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bMatch)
- {
- //Asset already exists, nothing to do
- continue;
- }
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, Log, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Duplicating existing asset '%s' into '%s'."), *AssetResult.ExistingAssets[0].GetFullName(), *PackagePath);
- auto NewAsset = AssetToolsModule->Get().DuplicateAsset(AssetResult.Name, PackagePath, AssetResult.ExistingAssets[0].GetAsset());
- if (NewAsset)
- {
- PackagesToSave.Add(NewAsset->GetPackage());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- UObject* NewAsset = AssetResult.CreatedAsset.GetAsset();
- if (IsValid(NewAsset))
- {
- if (NewAsset->IsA<UAkDragDropBlocker>())
- {
- AssetsToDelete.Add(AssetResult.CreatedAsset);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::Transient)
- {
- //Drag/Drop assets are created in transient package, and we need to move them to the drop location (or the default folder)
- FAssetRenameData NewAssetRenameData(NewAsset, PackagePath, AssetResult.Name);
- AssetsToRename.Add(NewAssetRenameData);
- RenamedTransientAssets.Add(AssetResult.CreatedAsset);
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, Verbose, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Temporary asset '%s' will be moved to '%s'."), *NewAsset->GetFullName(), *PackagePath);
- }
- else if (AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::InPackage)
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, Verbose, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Saving new asset '%s'."), *NewAsset->GetFullName());
- //Assets were created in the destination package but we still need to save them
- PackagesToSave.Add(NewAsset->GetPackage());
- }
- }
- }
- if (AssetsToRename.Num() > 0)
- {
- bool bRenameSuccess = AssetToolsModule->Get().RenameAssets(AssetsToRename);
- //We really don't want to leave assets hanging around in the transient package
- if (!bRenameSuccess && AssetCreationMode == EAssetCreationMode::Transient)
- {
- TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToDelete;
- for (auto Asset : RenamedTransientAssets)
- {
- if (auto TransientObject = Asset.GetAsset())
- {
- ObjectsToDelete.Add(TransientObject);
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, Warning, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Failed to rename temporary asset '%s' created in Drag/Drop, it will be deleted."), *Asset.GetFullName());
- }
- }
- ObjectTools::ForceDeleteObjects(ObjectsToDelete);
- }
- }
- if (AssetsToDelete.Num() > 0)
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, VeryVerbose, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Deleting '%d' temporary packages."), PackagesToSave.Num());
- ObjectTools::DeleteAssets(AssetsToDelete, false);
- }
- if (PackagesToSave.Num() > 0)
- {
- UE_LOG(LogAudiokineticTools, VeryVerbose, TEXT("Wwise Browser: Saving '%d' new packages."), PackagesToSave.Num());
- UEditorLoadingAndSavingUtils::SavePackages(PackagesToSave, true);
- }
- }
- UAkAssetFactory* WwiseBrowserHelpers::GetAssetFactory(const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& WwiseTreeItem)
- {
- UFactory* Factory = nullptr;
- switch (WwiseTreeItem->ItemType)
- {
- case EWwiseItemType::Event:
- Factory = UAkAudioEventFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::AcousticTexture:
- Factory = UAkAcousticTextureFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::AuxBus:
- Factory = UAkAuxBusFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::GameParameter:
- Factory = UAkRtpcFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::Switch:
- Factory = UAkSwitchValueFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::State:
- Factory = UAkStateValueFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::Trigger:
- Factory = UAkTriggerFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- case EWwiseItemType::EffectShareSet:
- Factory = UAkEffectShareSetFactory::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
- break;
- default:
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (Factory)
- {
- if (auto AkAssetFactory = Cast<UAkAssetFactory>(Factory))
- {
- AkAssetFactory->AssetID = WwiseTreeItem->ItemId;
- AkAssetFactory->WwiseObjectName = WwiseTreeItem->DisplayName;
- return AkAssetFactory;
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- bool WwiseBrowserHelpers::CanCreateAsset(const FWwiseTreeItemPtr& Item)
- {
- return !Item->IsOfType({ EWwiseItemType::Sound });
- }
- FLinearColor WwiseBrowserHelpers::GetTextColor(bool bUpToDate)
- {
- FColor Color;
- return bUpToDate ? FLinearColor::Gray : FLinearColor(1.f, 0.33f, 0);
- }