/******************************************************************************* The content of this file includes portions of the proprietary AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology released in source code form as part of the game integration package. The content of this file may not be used without valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology. Note that the use of the game engine is subject to the Unreal(R) Engine End User License Agreement at https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/unreal License Usage Licensees holding valid licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc. Copyright (c) 2023 Audiokinetic Inc. *******************************************************************************/ /*============================================================================= AkAcousticPortalVisualizer.cpp: =============================================================================*/ #include "AkAcousticPortalVisualizer.h" #include "AkUEFeatures.h" #include "AkSpatialAudioDrawUtils.h" #include "AkDrawPortalComponent.h" #include "AkRoomComponent.h" #include "SceneManagement.h" #include "DynamicMeshBuilder.h" #include "EditorModes.h" #include "Materials/Material.h" void UAkPortalComponentVisualizer::DrawVisualization(const UActorComponent* Component, const FSceneView* View, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI) { const UAkPortalComponent* PortalComponent = Cast(Component); if (IsValid(PortalComponent) && IsValid(PortalComponent->GetPrimitiveParent())) { const UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveParent = Cast(PortalComponent->GetPrimitiveParent()); // Calculate the unscaled, unrotated box extent of the primitive parent component, at origin. FVector BoxExtent = PrimitiveParent->CalcLocalBounds().BoxExtent; FDynamicMeshBuilder MeshBuilderFront(ERHIFeatureLevel::Type::ES3_1); FDynamicMeshBuilder MeshBuilderBack(ERHIFeatureLevel::Type::ES3_1); MeshBuilderFront.AddVertices({ FUnrealFloatVector(BoxExtent), // FRU FUnrealFloatVector(BoxExtent.X, BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // FRD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // RD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z), // RU FUnrealFloatVector(BoxExtent.X, -BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z), // FLU FUnrealFloatVector(BoxExtent.X, -BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // FLD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, -BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // LD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, -BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z) // LU }); MeshBuilderBack.AddVertices({ FUnrealFloatVector(-BoxExtent.X, -BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z), // BLU FUnrealFloatVector(-BoxExtent), // BLD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, -BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // LD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, -BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z), // LU FUnrealFloatVector(-BoxExtent.X, BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z), // BRU FUnrealFloatVector(-BoxExtent.X, BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // BRD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, BoxExtent.Y, -BoxExtent.Z), // RD FUnrealFloatVector(0.0f, BoxExtent.Y, BoxExtent.Z) // RU }); // add vertices using front - back, right - left, up - down winding. MeshBuilderFront.AddTriangles ({ /*front face*/0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1, /*back face*/4, 7, 6, 4, 6, 5, /*top face*/0, 3, 7, 0, 7, 4, /*bottom face*/1, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5 }); MeshBuilderBack.AddTriangles ({ /*front face*/0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1, /*back face*/4, 7, 6, 4, 6, 5, /*top face*/0, 3, 7, 0, 7, 4, /*bottom face*/1, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5 }); // Allocate the material proxy and register it so it can be deleted properly once the rendering is done with it. auto* renderProxy = GEngine->GeomMaterial->GetRenderProxy(); FLinearColor FrontDrawColor; FLinearColor BackDrawColor; AkSpatialAudioColors::GetPortalColors(PortalComponent, FrontDrawColor, BackDrawColor); FDynamicColoredMaterialRenderProxy* ColorInstanceFront = new FDynamicColoredMaterialRenderProxy(renderProxy, FrontDrawColor); PDI->RegisterDynamicResource(ColorInstanceFront); MeshBuilderFront.Draw(PDI, PrimitiveParent->GetComponentToWorld().ToMatrixWithScale(), ColorInstanceFront, SDPG_World, true, false); FDynamicColoredMaterialRenderProxy* ColorInstanceBack = new FDynamicColoredMaterialRenderProxy(renderProxy, BackDrawColor); PDI->RegisterDynamicResource(ColorInstanceBack); MeshBuilderBack.Draw(PDI, PrimitiveParent->GetComponentToWorld().ToMatrixWithScale(), ColorInstanceBack, SDPG_World, true, false); // Draw an outline around the centre of the portal, to distinguish front and back const FTransform& T = PrimitiveParent->GetComponentTransform(); AkDrawBounds DrawBounds(T, BoxExtent); const float Thickness = AkDrawConstants::PortalRoomConnectionThickness; const FLinearColor OutlineColor = AkSpatialAudioColors::GetPortalOutlineColor(PortalComponent); PDI->DrawLine(DrawBounds.RU(), DrawBounds.LU(), OutlineColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); PDI->DrawLine(DrawBounds.LU(), DrawBounds.LD(), OutlineColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); PDI->DrawLine(DrawBounds.LD(), DrawBounds.RD(), OutlineColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); PDI->DrawLine(DrawBounds.RD(), DrawBounds.RU(), OutlineColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); // Draw a line from back room to front room. FVector Front = FVector(BoxExtent.X, 0.0f, 0.0f); FVector Back = FVector(-BoxExtent.X, 0.0f, 0.0f); PDI->DrawLine(T.TransformPosition(Back), T.TransformPosition(Front), OutlineColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); // draw a diagonal on left and right faces if the portal is closed if (PortalComponent->InitialState == AkAcousticPortalState::Closed) { PDI->DrawLine(DrawBounds.FRU(), DrawBounds.BRD(), FrontDrawColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); PDI->DrawLine(DrawBounds.FLD(), DrawBounds.BLU(), BackDrawColor, SDPG_Foreground, Thickness); } PortalComponent->UpdateTextRotations(); } if (GEditor->GetSelectedActorCount() == 1 && IsValid(PortalComponent)) { AAkAcousticPortal* pPortal = Cast(PortalComponent->GetOwner()); if (pPortal && pPortal->GetFitToGeometry() && pPortal->GetIsDragging()) { FVector Point0, End0, Point1, End1; if (pPortal->GetBestHits(Point0, End0, Point1, End1)) { FVector Dir0 = End0 - Point0; float L0 = Dir0.SizeSquared(); FVector Dir1 = End1 - Point1; float L1 = Dir1.SizeSquared(); FVector V01 = Point1 - Point0; FVector TL0 = Point1 - FVector::DotProduct(V01, Dir0) * Dir0 / L0; FVector TL1 = Point0 - FVector::DotProduct(-V01, Dir1) * Dir1 / L1; FVector TL = (TL0 + TL1) / 2.f; FVector TR = TL + Dir0; FVector BL = TL + Dir1; FVector BR = BL + Dir0; const FLinearColor PreviewColor = FAkAppStyle::Get().GetSlateColor("SelectionColor").GetSpecifiedColor() * 1.3f; PDI->DrawLine(TL, TR, PreviewColor, 100, 5.f, 50.f); PDI->DrawLine(TR, BR, PreviewColor, 100, 5.f, 50.f); PDI->DrawLine(BR, BL, PreviewColor, 100, 5.f, 50.f); PDI->DrawLine(BL, TL, PreviewColor, 100, 5.f, 50.f); } } } }